Kundalini Yoga to Reduce Anxiety & Stress with Tina Rodgers
Mondays: 11/28/2022 – 12/19/2022
From: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
$75 for the 4-week series
If you sign up 5 days prior to the start of the series you will receive a $5 discount.
Premium Members receive 20% discount
No refunds or transfers for missed classes in this series. Premium members will receive a 20% discount on this workshop when registering.
Join Tina for this 4-week Kundalini Yoga class series to reduce anxiety and stress. Kundalini Yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, uses a series of kriyas (postures/sequences), breathing techniques, meditations and mantras (sound currents) to help students experience greater strength and flexibility, emotional balance, and spiritual elevation.
Kundalini yoga is a simple and effective way to reduce stress & anxiety, increase mental clarity and boost your energy. Come learn effective breathing techniques to soothe your nervous system, short meditations to feel clear and connected and stimulating Kriyas for health and joy.
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