Yoga Nidra for Chakra Balance Friday May 12th with Cheryl

Join Cheryl for this special monthly workshop exploring the Chakra system and the powerful practice of Yoga Nidra. The Chakras are invisible energetic crossroads of the body, mind and spirit. They are a means of understanding our physical health, emotional well-being, mental clarity, and spiritual path. As we process our life’s experiences, the chakras may become imbalanced. Yoga Nidra for Chakra Balance can restore this system of vital energies allowing harmony, contentment, wisdom and love to prevail.

Yoga Nidra is a systematic method of guided relaxation that is practiced reclining on the floor. You are guided to the place between wakefulness and sleeping where you can engage the witness consciousness while remaining completely relaxed, yet aware. It is a way to positively impact and recondition your mind’s subconscious layers, improve the mood, enhance intuition and creativity, and allow you to release stress from the mind and tension from the body.

This extended practice begins with a sankalpa setting meditation using mudra to help you uncover your heart’s intention, a gentle floor flow, sound practice to center and ground the mind, and a yoga nidra session. Each month all parts of the practice will be crafted to help balance one of the seven sacred energetic centers. All levels are welcome!

Friday | May 12, 2017 | 7:00 – 8:30 PM

Click HERE to register!

Yoga Nidra for Chakra Balance Friday April 28th with Cheryl
Join Cheryl for this special monthly workshop exploring the Chakra system and the powerful practice of Yoga Nidra. The Chakras are invisible energetic crossroads of the body, mind and spirit. They are a means of understanding our physical health, emotional well-being, mental clarity, and spiritual path. As we process our life’s experiences, the chakras may become imbalanced. Yoga Nidra for Chakra Balance can restore this system of vital energies allowing harmony, contentment, wisdom and love to prevail. Yoga Nidra is a systematic method of guided relaxation that is practiced reclining on the floor. You are guided to the place between wakefulness and sleeping where you can engage the witness consciousness while remaining completely relaxed, yet aware. It is a way to positively impact and recondition your mind’s subconscious layers, improve the mood, enhance intuition and creativity, and allow you to release stress from the mind and tension from the body.…